This was my third and last entry for the "Red" show in Creston. This painting was based on a photograph of a fierce and punky young woman in one of my painting classes a couple of years ago. I think it takes a lot of courage and creativity to wear the outfits she chose in a small town the size of Creston. It is easier to be different in a city but in a small town, you are a decided target.
I am not happy with how the painting turned out. I wanted it to be much looser and fresher(and fiercer). But I still like the subject matter. The background started out light and splotchy and just looked anemic. The Painting seemed to demand the red for itself. I would like to do the painting again but the image was lost when my computer failed this summer. It took me over a year to get her photo from a fellow student. There must be some kind of kharma going on here.