As part of the Older Workers Initiatives Program that I have been involved in for the past eight weeks, we have to spend some time exploring different job options. Diane and I had the very good fortune to spend a day at the Jubilee Mountain Apiary on Highway 95 about half way between Golden and Radium Hot Springs BC.
It was the day of the annual "Spilli Chilli" contest at Spillimacheen. The apiary has one of the partners participating in the chilli cook-off. He hands out coupons for people to drop by the store to try a free Saskatoon Honey sauce sundae. The apiary hosted local artists to set up around the store for the event.

The apiary has a prime location right on the highway. Check out their magnificent view.

The store is set up in several old buildings one of which is the 1912 Spillimacheen trading post.

The affable Morley Winnick beside his antique cash register. They actually used that lovely relic for some years before it broke down. They have now embraced the less elegant but efficient new registers.

Morley poured his design talents into updating the old buildings. They are now light and bright, full of lovely bee and honey items while still maintaining a vintage air.

I discovered that the best place in the store is right in the corner by the beeswax candles. The scent is heavenly.

Diane and I in front of a few of the various honeys that the apiary offers. We served between 175-200 Saskatoon Honey sauce sundaes to highly appreciative customers. Morley also has soaps, beauty and health products and intriguing food items for sale. All the products are honey based.
It was a great, fun, informative day. Morley was very generous with his business knowledge. His future ideas for the Apiary encouraged me to start developing more ideas for my small businesses. If you are travelling on Highway 95, be sure to stop for a visit.