I am published, again. Thank you and good luck Karla Pearce!
Art of the Kootenays
A collection of 56 Kootenay Artists
Artists from all over the Kootenay region have come together to create a book that defines Kootenay art. A year and a half in the making, Art of the Kootenays hits the stores this November. Full colour and hard cover, this beautiful coffee table book contains fifty-six individual Kootenay artists who have come together despite geographic and regional obstacles to showcase collectively in one reference their artistic vision. Heralding from Christina Lake, Castlegar, Nelson, Trail, Rossland, Winlaw, South Slocan, Kimberly, Cranbrook, Invermere and Fernie, the artists fill the pages with photos of their contemporary Kootenay Paintings, Ceramics, Fibre, Glass, Jewellrey, Photography and Sculpture, accompanied by the personal insights and thoughts that led to their creation and written in their own words.
The idea for the project came from Karla Pearce who over a span of ten years interviewed hundreds of artists in the area for her column/ feature The Creative Edge that ran in print, radio and television. It was through her experience and the sheer volume of work that Pearce felt that other people needed to see what she saw.
“ There is an undercurrent of similarity that exists Kootenay art. The artwork here is influenced by the beautiful natural elements and the vast geographical spaces. It comes through in the colours and the subject matter. You just don’t see many city angst paintings in the Kootenays,” says Pearce.