Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dancing Queens

Dancing Queens 16x20 acrylic collage

These lovely ladies succumbed to the lure of polka music at the Kimberley Accordian Festival. I must go this summer and take lots of pictures.

I am dreaming of warm green days. It always seems like the ice and cold weather will never give way. I am always surprised by the hot summer days we get in August (100F/40C occasionally). I spent my first winter here wondering why the previous owner had installed ceiling fans but I learned about that. I am drooling over seed catalogs. No sense getting too excited when it will be the beginning of June before I can plant stuff!


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Autumn Leaves said...

Love this piece, Paula. I knew they must be indulging in a polka - there is just something that gave it away. Their outfits are so perfect too!