Friday, May 18, 2007


I am busy struggling with a painting. I need to get 2 paintings done for Artsaround, 3 for Bloomin Art, and some western pictures for Ft. Steele Days. Plus, I am hoping to paint and make shrines for my show in August. Argh!!

I am also trying to bully my sweet husband into tilling the garden where the weeds are now a foot high so that I can plant. The locals say not to plant until the snow is off of Mt. Greenwood. Well, the snow is gone and the lilacs are in bloom. I am about 3 weeks behind schedule and if stuff doesn't get planted soon it will be frost time!

This is my little goddess shrine hanging in my yard. I am also trying to hang a windchime in every tree, to deter bad spirits and just because I love the sound of them tinkling in the wind.

This is my little collage called "Night Nurse". If I were sick, I would want someone with this sweet face to take care of me.