Friday, November 30, 2012


I have reached a point where I want more, to go deeper, become more successful with art. I am starting to work my way through the books "Write it down, make it happen" and "The Artist's Way". I like to set goals rather than make "resolutions" but they are the same thing for me. I truly feel that writing through the exercises brought me to where I am today, getting to make art, having been able to travel to places I never thought I would get to, getting married a second time. Now I am ready for more. First, I have to figure out what that more is!

 I must be on the right track because when I was trying to think of an image to go with this post,"Hope' is the image that immediately fell under the cursor.

"Your playing small does not serve the world. Who are you not to be great?" Nelson Mandela

1 comment:

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Wonderful piece including one of my favorite quotes. Thanks for reminding us about setting goals and going full steam for what we want. I say, Go for It!!