I love to walk through graveyards, especially older ones. The tombstones have such stories to tell. This graveyard near Elkhart Illinois features a lovely chapel.

Hand pointing to heaven.

Modern version, not quite as artistic but gets the job done.

I really like this simple hand. Maybe, I'll have a stone like that some day (yes, I know I'm going to be creamated but I insist on a memorial stone somewhere.)

Poignant handclasp.

If you look closely, you can see the weeping willow, another grief emblem.

I was impressed by the elaborate carvings on this stone.

Do you think Nashua was a trucker?

This guy doesn't just rate a stone...

he has a bridge!

Anybody else wonder where the heck Mr. Morton ended up?!
I think Nashua must have just loved trucks. 4 years old is a wee bit of small to be driving himself, yes? LOL Poor little man. I know his parents still miss him.
I too love older graveyards and have been know to take photos and pull over while in a car just to walk through, pay respects, and imagine those lost lives.
well duh, I missed checking the dates. Good on you Crimson leaves. Wish you were here to swish the graveyard leaves with me.
Now I suspect we'd have a blast creating...recreating lives, and wondering aloud together! I'll have to do a cemetery post again soon...
I noticed that too. The first thing I want to know is the age of the deceased.
Oh, the babies are so hard though.
I'm also a Cemetery 'haunt'. The stones are so beautiful and there are so many stories. I have a photo of the most incredible weeping angel stone. I will share it sometime.
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